Long Overdue Results from My 6-Week Challenge.

Can you believe I didn’t eat any chocolate or wine for six weeks straight?! That is ludicrous. I can’t believe nor understand people who don’t eat chocolate. Six weeks is basically one whole entire month and a good two weeks of no processed sugars or anything!

I’m so proud of myself for being disciplined and having self-control and not giving into anything bad for me.

The final weigh-in was on a Tuesday, a couple of weeks ago (sorry for the delayed post I got busy with two new jobs lol) and well, I was surprised by my results. I knew going in that I wouldn’t lose a drastic 20lbs in six weeks… BUT! I did lose half that.

My Breakfast Routine + My Essential Vitamins

Hi Katherine,

Thought I’d share some of my quick and easy breakfast options that are simple to make and super healthy; along with some daily essential vitamins I take every morning.

I literally just started taking these four weeks ago, when I started my 6-weeks-challenge and I have been consistently doing it ever since. Also, my breakfast routines have been pretty consistent (interchanging between these 3-4 breakfast options) and it’s kept me happy and not hungry! So far, so good!

Hope you and others can use this guide for breakfasts. It’s really easy, even I could do it. So, if I can do it, so can you! Stay happy, stay healthy and stay true to your heart!

6 Steps to Meal Prepping – REAL TALK

Dear Katherine,

As promised, here is an update on WEEK TWO of my Six-Weeks Challenge. I’ve decided to break down my grocery list and let you know what I’ve discovered, what I shopped for this past week and what meals I made for myself in advance (aka what the world calls “meal prepping” lol).

This is strictly meal preparations for only lunch and dinner, every day, for one full week. I’ve also included a list of healthy snacks (list is very small) that I was allowed to have in between meals. I am talking about ZERO sugar, ZERO sweets, ZERO preservatives, all-natural-based stuff. Literally, cutting all of the fats – which was/is so tough for me because of my natural sweet tooth – but I was/am determined to tackle on this challenge & see it through for myself, for my health and for the purpose of a drastic disciplined lifestyle change! So here’s my own beginner’s guide to preparing your meals for the week.

Turning Over A New Leaf

Dear Katherine,

I’m going to be starting on this new Food+Fitness (F+F) journey and I wanted to document it here. I want to share with you my struggles, my meals, things I make and do so that I have an outlet to write it out and see the changes I’m making not just in the kitchen, but in my life – from my workouts to scheduling in the time to write, even if it is for only 10-20 minutes a day. I’m setting a timer now as we speak and it took me only 15 minutes to write all this up to here, so far anyway lol. 

I was very tentative about it at first, but when we last communicated about Plate by State with the possibility that it might disappear, I couldn’t help but feel sad. *insert crying emoji here* I wanted to do something more with it besides recipes and I think I just had to tell myself to face my fears and jump into really tackling my lifestyle and food choices and document what I’m doing (actually doing) in my life and share it with you (and whoever else reads this).

Eating Through Exhaustion

Dear Katherine, It’s been a while. **cue Staind music lol**  I actually felt well-enough to write today and I am in the right headspace to do so, so here I am writing you a letter on our Plate by State blog site. I’ve actually written in three chunks, blocked and labeled them as Part I,…

A new chapter

Dear Anne, You must be excited to be leaping into a new phase without any shackles. I’m excited for you and hope you take this time to dig into, mentally and emotionally, what your next steps are for your short term and long term plans. I cant request this of you to do. I can…